One of Baba Vanga’s 2023 Predictions Came True at the Last Minute

Baba Vanga, the Bulgarian mystic known for her eerily accurate predictions, has once again proven her foresight with one of her prophecies for 2023 coming true. Known for her reported 85 percent accuracy rate, Vanga has previously predicted significant events such as the presidencies of Donald Trump and Barack Obama, and the 9/11 attacks.

Before her death in 1996, Vanga, who was blind, had a vision of her own passing, accurately predicting the date of her death on August 11, 1996. But her foresight didn’t end there. She left behind a series of predictions for the future, extending all the way to the year 5079, including some ominous ones for 2023.

One of her chilling predictions for 2023 has just come true. Vanga had claimed that Earth would be hit by a massive solar storm this year, with devastating consequences. As time was running out for the year, her forecast managed to sneak in earlier this month (December 1). She warned that the so-called ‘solar tsunami’ would wreak havoc across the world, forcing society to rewind back to the Dark Ages after destroying Earth’s magnetic field.

The solar storm Vanga described refers to phenomena on the Sun’s surface, including solar flares and vast eruptions of plasma. If these were to reach Earth, they could cause widespread damage, such as frying power grids, cutting communication services, and causing years-long blackouts.

Earlier in December, forecasters warned of a solar storm that could interfere with internet, radio, and GPS services, as well as sparking a dazzling display in the sky, making auroras visible. Space weather physicist Dr. Tamitha Skov confirmed that the solar storm, also known as a coronal mass ejection (CME), could interfere with Earth’s magnetic field, just as Vanga predicted.

A ‘strong geomagnetic storm’ was observed with 30 days left of 2023, measuring at a grading of G3 on a scale of one to five. While the storm wasn’t as destructive as Vanga forewarned, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) noted that the general public need not be concerned as any possible impacts were mitigated by infrastructure operators.

Despite the prediction not being as destructive as she said it would be, it did technically come true, adding to the mystic’s legacy of accurate predictions. Vanga also warned of a change to Earth’s orbit and a bioweapon test yet to come, leaving many to wonder what else the mystic foresaw for the future.

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