Nadya Suleman, A Mom Of Octuplets, Celebrates Their 15th Birthday.

In 2009, Nadya Suleman gained global fame as ‘Octomom’ after welcoming octuplets. Prior to giving birth to the first surviving octuplets, Nadya was already a mother of six kids.

 possess rare and unique characteristics, and are unlike any other child of your age, particularly in our society today,” she wrote at the time.She characterized her children as “unselfish, compassionate, humble, and affectionate, reverent, devoted to God.” She included: “I have never witnessed kids who care and desire to help others, especially those who are less fortunate, as boldly and confidently as all of you do.”“You are not followers of this shallow world, but of a God that created and loves you unconditionally. I do not know what I could possibly have done to deserve being blessed so bountifully,” she added. “I love you .”


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