Conservative California City Cancels Celebrations For Pride Month, Black History Month, Women’s History Month

One of the last conservative strongholds in once-GOP-dominated California is the city of Huntington Beach. Though just a conservative citadel in a vast ocean of blue, Huntington Beach has decided to cancel the various month-long celebrations for different identity groups and replace them with celebrations of the common history of the municipality. Such is what … Read more

The History of Kitchen Tools

Have you ever stopped to think how the kitchen tools we rely on every day came to be? Today, let’s take a trip back in time to explore the fascinating history of one such essential appliance: the mixer. The Early Days of Mixing Our story begins in the mid-19th century when inventors across the globe … Read more

One of Baba Vanga’s 2023 Predictions Came True at the Last Minute

Baba Vanga, the Bulgarian mystic known for her eerily accurate predictions, has once again proven her foresight with one of her prophecies for 2023 coming true. Known for her reported 85 percent accuracy rate, Vanga has previously predicted significant events such as the presidencies of Donald Trump and Barack Obama, and the 9/11 attacks. Before … Read more

What happened to Melissa Sue Anderson? Check out what she’s been up to.

Who exactly is Melissa Sue Anderson? Melissa Sue Anderson was born on September 26, 1962, in Berkeley, California, USA, and is an actress, possibly best known for her role as Mary Ingalls in the television series “Little House on the Prairie” in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Melissa Sue Anderson’s net worth is unknown. … Read more

Kind man gives up his seat to 94-year-old stranger, moving her to tears

These days it’s all too easy to fall into the mindset that the world is simply a place where despair and chaos reign supreme. The mainstream media outlets, of course, perpetuate this by running stories of doom and gloom every day, but it’s important to remember that kindess and compassion remain. That’s become something of … Read more